miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

Psychological books

Sincerily I am not very keen by reading. Many times I buy a book and I never read it, especially if the book has many page. The problem is that I can´t concentrate when I read, I get sleepy or bored.

I always remenber that when I was ten years I read: "The litlle Nicólas". This book was very funny, because the main character, called Nicólas was a mischievous child. He was kept in detention for upset the teacher. In the reading control I got a great calification, because the book I like it.

When I had reading control I read the book, the only time that I didn`t finish book was because It was very long. I have hated the book of many pages or with many description. Also, I dislike the romantic or science ficticion novels. I prefer the book about sociological or psychological books that describe actuality society phenomenon. For example I love the book the "Light man", it was written by Enrique Rojas, doctor specialist in psychiatry. He relate that we live in a frivolous and consumerist society.

Other book that I remember is the Huachaca Culture, It very funny. The book about the people that wacht tv all day. I think that I prefer this type of book because I like the psychology, I hope one day to study this career.

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