viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010

The delinquency

One day before the new year, my house was assaulted. The burglars entered when I and my family was slepping. There stolen my notebook, the cigars and the money of the familiar store. Also they took the sister ´s bicycle , but they left it in the street, near our house. We called to the police, but nothing happened because the burglar didn´ t capture and our things never appared.

Since then, always I think that this can happen again. The people who is a victim of the delicuencia feel very insecure, for this reason the government must take firmer measurements. For example, increase the years of sentece the bluglars and qualify better the police. Also, the government must help to the kid that live in social risk because in the infancy begin the delinquency. Other measurement necesary is control the drug trafficking, criminal focus.

The death penalty is not a royal solution to diminish the indexes of delinquency because the origin of the criminals relates to the environment, to his familiar bows, to the level of education and the values that each one has received. In general the person who turns in delicuente had an unhappy and lacking infancy. The only form for finish whit
delinquency is the education and take care the children in social risk.

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