domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Attention to the environment

Every day, we watch in television or we read in newspaper that the environment is deteriorating. Some academic groups or scientific organize conferences about the increasing pollution and the carbon footprint. However, what we do for the environment?

I don´t do much for the environment, sometimes I forget to turned off the TV or lights. Other times, I leave running the water in the shower before of bath. But some people have an ecologic mind and they care for the environment. For example, my cousin Carolina studied ecotourism. In this career she learned the important of protecting the environment and nature. For this reason, when she goes to anywhere she doesn’t contaminate the place. My cousin puts all the papers and food containers in a bag. When she returns to home she throws the things in the garbage.

I think that education is the only way for learn to respect the environment. My cousin didn´t cared about nature, before she entered to study. Now, she always rides in bicycle and she incorporated the recycling in her life. In my case, I always travel in Transantiago bus or I go walking to near places. I haven´t incorporated the recycling habits, like my cousin. I never leave glass bottles or juice box in containers for recycling. I only try to throw the things that don´t serve in the trash.

I have never belonged to eco-organizations, unfortunaly I have not much time. But I would like because we must not be selfish and we have to worry about the environment. The man needs the resources of nature for survive. If we continued contaminating the water, air and land of the planet, we will destroy our lives.

We are responsible for the environment deterioration: the high emissions of carbon dioxide are the principal factor which caused global warming. This phenomenon causes the rise of earth temperature and the melting of the polar ice. Also, every year many animals die because they can´t adapt to these changes.

The people that live in the most polluted cities should worry about environment. For example, in Santiago we breathe polluted air and it is very damaging for health. In winter worsens the air quality and the government decrees to environmental emergency.

If the people more used bikes and if they sometimes leave your car at home, air quality would be better. But also is necessary that the big companies help in this mission because they are the principal generators of contaminate. They should compromise to emit less pollution.

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Technology necessary and essential

We live in a globalize world, where technology is essential. Through the use of social networks, like twitter or facebook we can communicate with people from different countries and cultures. Technology is part of daily life of people; it is used at work and in different study subjects. In many university courses, the teacher teaches new softwares or technological tools for students. So, they can prepare for working world and learn easier and more didactic.

Now I study at the University and I understand how important is technology’s uses. Like student of journalism, for example I have learned to use computational programs in every subject. This term I used a program called adobe audition. It is useful if you have to work in radio, because you can record your voice for doing a radial note. Also, in the subject television journalism you have to make documentaries and reports. So, you learn how to use the camera and edition program, like adobe premier.

The last term, I learned how to use Photoshop. This program is necessary in photographic journalism; with it you can edit photos. Inclusive, I did a photographic report about street dogs and I could edit my images in the program.

This experience was difficult for me, because when I entered at University, I didn’t know anything about computers or programs. Really, I didn’t understand about technology, but my partners help me and they explained how I must use some programs. Many times, I felt stupid and I had rage myself. The most important that I discovered was that I need to learn to use the technology. This is the only way to become an excellent professional.

Also, technology helps you to learn better. For example, in English course at the University, I must write a blog to practice my English writing. Really is a good form to learn more vocabulary and I better the orthographic. You can read the text of classmates and they can read your posts.

Finally, I would like to say technologies are a fundamental en every career and profession. Every day, scientists discovered new technological advances and we must be attentive. New technologies have not only improved the work performance, but it has accelerated information transfering, especially in journalism. Therefore, employers require their applicants a minimum knowledge of new software.

If you don’t learn how use the technology you get left back. If you can use correctly technological tools, you can enjoy its benefits and improve your quality as a professional.

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

Psychological books

Sincerily I am not very keen by reading. Many times I buy a book and I never read it, especially if the book has many page. The problem is that I can´t concentrate when I read, I get sleepy or bored.

I always remenber that when I was ten years I read: "The litlle Nicólas". This book was very funny, because the main character, called Nicólas was a mischievous child. He was kept in detention for upset the teacher. In the reading control I got a great calification, because the book I like it.

When I had reading control I read the book, the only time that I didn`t finish book was because It was very long. I have hated the book of many pages or with many description. Also, I dislike the romantic or science ficticion novels. I prefer the book about sociological or psychological books that describe actuality society phenomenon. For example I love the book the "Light man", it was written by Enrique Rojas, doctor specialist in psychiatry. He relate that we live in a frivolous and consumerist society.

Other book that I remember is the Huachaca Culture, It very funny. The book about the people that wacht tv all day. I think that I prefer this type of book because I like the psychology, I hope one day to study this career.

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Museum in the night

You can visit with your family completely free some museum and culture center of the region Metropolitana. The friday 29 of October, 12 museum in santiago will open since 6 pm until midnight. This is a new version of " Museum of midnight", the cultural iniciative offers interesting panoramas, for example te visitors will see prominent art exhibitions.

Some of the places that are include in this cultural circuit are: Nacional beauty arts Museum, Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna museum, Matucana 100, The Cultural Center Palace The Moneda, Contemporary Art Museum and Visual Arts Museum.

Every museum o cultural center will have a differents activities for that the people can enjoy. Many museums will exhibit work of art and some will have plays. The most interesting places that you can´t forget are it :

The Nacional Museum of Beauty Arts will celebrate its centenary and the Bicentenary of our country. For reason, It show a internacional exhibition call " Del pasado al presente".

In the Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna Museum during the visit the people will accompanied by a guide and they will enjoy with a recital of scottish bagpipe.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

House, House and House

I fell in love with Dr House a night of summer. I was in my beadroom and I had insomnia, for reason I turned on the television. In the TVN channel was broadcast the medical series called Dr House. Since then I was fanatic this tv program and every night I watched it.

Dr House is great serie, because it mix drama and comedy. Every episode show a enigmatic medical cases that Gregory House will try to resolve. He is the main character of this serie. Gregory House is a special professional: he dosen`t want related with his patientes and he always was laughting of them.

Dr House is a interesting character, he is solitary and old men. Also House is addited to vicodin: medicine to cure the paid on his leg. In spile of his ironic personality Gregory House had a medical equip that help him.

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

Don Quixote: The crazy knight of La Mancha

I have never read the novels of famous writer Miguel de Cervantes, but since I was a child I knew the adventures of Don Quixote and his faithful friend Sancho.

When I was seven years the channel tv UCV, broadcast a cartoon called Don Quixote and the stories of La Mancha. I watched this program every day in the afternoon. I sat on the carpet in the living of my house and I turned on the TV.

This cartoon was very funny, because Don Quixote was clumsy and crazy.He believed was a hero and he always imagined adventures, but all things were illusions of his mind.

Don Quixote always was looking for his beloved Dulcinea. She was a young and beautiful girl. Dulciena didn`t want Don Quixote and when she needed help she calling him.

sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

Where to go?

I have lived 20 years in Maipú and I don´t know many places for visit. Really I think that I`m not the best touristic guide, because I am the most of time in my house and when I go to place I never know where I am. I have ask the people in the street like arrive to destination.

However, I have visited some town and my favorite is Quintero. In this place my gradmother live and every summer I go to her house. Quintero is in the Valparaiso region and It has different turistic parts. For example, you can go to Ritoque and know the dunes. Ritoque is a seaside resort where many famous people have houses.

If you have money you can travel in a motorboat or ride a horse. But, if you can´t spend a lot of money by only eight hundred pesos you can eat a delicious shellfish or cheese pie. I don´t leave Quintero without eat fish stock.

In Quintero, also the touristic can dive and visited the submerged Cristo. The religious sculpture is a 12 meters deep and It have almost five meters of high. Every year the people travel in motorboat for pray.

Quintero is a small town and the night isn`t agitated, this place have little discos o pub. The best option is enjoy with friends in the beach near of bonfire. For reason if you want to have fun and visit nice places see Quintero.