domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Attention to the environment

Every day, we watch in television or we read in newspaper that the environment is deteriorating. Some academic groups or scientific organize conferences about the increasing pollution and the carbon footprint. However, what we do for the environment?

I don´t do much for the environment, sometimes I forget to turned off the TV or lights. Other times, I leave running the water in the shower before of bath. But some people have an ecologic mind and they care for the environment. For example, my cousin Carolina studied ecotourism. In this career she learned the important of protecting the environment and nature. For this reason, when she goes to anywhere she doesn’t contaminate the place. My cousin puts all the papers and food containers in a bag. When she returns to home she throws the things in the garbage.

I think that education is the only way for learn to respect the environment. My cousin didn´t cared about nature, before she entered to study. Now, she always rides in bicycle and she incorporated the recycling in her life. In my case, I always travel in Transantiago bus or I go walking to near places. I haven´t incorporated the recycling habits, like my cousin. I never leave glass bottles or juice box in containers for recycling. I only try to throw the things that don´t serve in the trash.

I have never belonged to eco-organizations, unfortunaly I have not much time. But I would like because we must not be selfish and we have to worry about the environment. The man needs the resources of nature for survive. If we continued contaminating the water, air and land of the planet, we will destroy our lives.

We are responsible for the environment deterioration: the high emissions of carbon dioxide are the principal factor which caused global warming. This phenomenon causes the rise of earth temperature and the melting of the polar ice. Also, every year many animals die because they can´t adapt to these changes.

The people that live in the most polluted cities should worry about environment. For example, in Santiago we breathe polluted air and it is very damaging for health. In winter worsens the air quality and the government decrees to environmental emergency.

If the people more used bikes and if they sometimes leave your car at home, air quality would be better. But also is necessary that the big companies help in this mission because they are the principal generators of contaminate. They should compromise to emit less pollution.

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Technology necessary and essential

We live in a globalize world, where technology is essential. Through the use of social networks, like twitter or facebook we can communicate with people from different countries and cultures. Technology is part of daily life of people; it is used at work and in different study subjects. In many university courses, the teacher teaches new softwares or technological tools for students. So, they can prepare for working world and learn easier and more didactic.

Now I study at the University and I understand how important is technology’s uses. Like student of journalism, for example I have learned to use computational programs in every subject. This term I used a program called adobe audition. It is useful if you have to work in radio, because you can record your voice for doing a radial note. Also, in the subject television journalism you have to make documentaries and reports. So, you learn how to use the camera and edition program, like adobe premier.

The last term, I learned how to use Photoshop. This program is necessary in photographic journalism; with it you can edit photos. Inclusive, I did a photographic report about street dogs and I could edit my images in the program.

This experience was difficult for me, because when I entered at University, I didn’t know anything about computers or programs. Really, I didn’t understand about technology, but my partners help me and they explained how I must use some programs. Many times, I felt stupid and I had rage myself. The most important that I discovered was that I need to learn to use the technology. This is the only way to become an excellent professional.

Also, technology helps you to learn better. For example, in English course at the University, I must write a blog to practice my English writing. Really is a good form to learn more vocabulary and I better the orthographic. You can read the text of classmates and they can read your posts.

Finally, I would like to say technologies are a fundamental en every career and profession. Every day, scientists discovered new technological advances and we must be attentive. New technologies have not only improved the work performance, but it has accelerated information transfering, especially in journalism. Therefore, employers require their applicants a minimum knowledge of new software.

If you don’t learn how use the technology you get left back. If you can use correctly technological tools, you can enjoy its benefits and improve your quality as a professional.

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

Psychological books

Sincerily I am not very keen by reading. Many times I buy a book and I never read it, especially if the book has many page. The problem is that I can´t concentrate when I read, I get sleepy or bored.

I always remenber that when I was ten years I read: "The litlle Nicólas". This book was very funny, because the main character, called Nicólas was a mischievous child. He was kept in detention for upset the teacher. In the reading control I got a great calification, because the book I like it.

When I had reading control I read the book, the only time that I didn`t finish book was because It was very long. I have hated the book of many pages or with many description. Also, I dislike the romantic or science ficticion novels. I prefer the book about sociological or psychological books that describe actuality society phenomenon. For example I love the book the "Light man", it was written by Enrique Rojas, doctor specialist in psychiatry. He relate that we live in a frivolous and consumerist society.

Other book that I remember is the Huachaca Culture, It very funny. The book about the people that wacht tv all day. I think that I prefer this type of book because I like the psychology, I hope one day to study this career.

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Museum in the night

You can visit with your family completely free some museum and culture center of the region Metropolitana. The friday 29 of October, 12 museum in santiago will open since 6 pm until midnight. This is a new version of " Museum of midnight", the cultural iniciative offers interesting panoramas, for example te visitors will see prominent art exhibitions.

Some of the places that are include in this cultural circuit are: Nacional beauty arts Museum, Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna museum, Matucana 100, The Cultural Center Palace The Moneda, Contemporary Art Museum and Visual Arts Museum.

Every museum o cultural center will have a differents activities for that the people can enjoy. Many museums will exhibit work of art and some will have plays. The most interesting places that you can´t forget are it :

The Nacional Museum of Beauty Arts will celebrate its centenary and the Bicentenary of our country. For reason, It show a internacional exhibition call " Del pasado al presente".

In the Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna Museum during the visit the people will accompanied by a guide and they will enjoy with a recital of scottish bagpipe.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

House, House and House

I fell in love with Dr House a night of summer. I was in my beadroom and I had insomnia, for reason I turned on the television. In the TVN channel was broadcast the medical series called Dr House. Since then I was fanatic this tv program and every night I watched it.

Dr House is great serie, because it mix drama and comedy. Every episode show a enigmatic medical cases that Gregory House will try to resolve. He is the main character of this serie. Gregory House is a special professional: he dosen`t want related with his patientes and he always was laughting of them.

Dr House is a interesting character, he is solitary and old men. Also House is addited to vicodin: medicine to cure the paid on his leg. In spile of his ironic personality Gregory House had a medical equip that help him.

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

Don Quixote: The crazy knight of La Mancha

I have never read the novels of famous writer Miguel de Cervantes, but since I was a child I knew the adventures of Don Quixote and his faithful friend Sancho.

When I was seven years the channel tv UCV, broadcast a cartoon called Don Quixote and the stories of La Mancha. I watched this program every day in the afternoon. I sat on the carpet in the living of my house and I turned on the TV.

This cartoon was very funny, because Don Quixote was clumsy and crazy.He believed was a hero and he always imagined adventures, but all things were illusions of his mind.

Don Quixote always was looking for his beloved Dulcinea. She was a young and beautiful girl. Dulciena didn`t want Don Quixote and when she needed help she calling him.

sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

Where to go?

I have lived 20 years in Maipú and I don´t know many places for visit. Really I think that I`m not the best touristic guide, because I am the most of time in my house and when I go to place I never know where I am. I have ask the people in the street like arrive to destination.

However, I have visited some town and my favorite is Quintero. In this place my gradmother live and every summer I go to her house. Quintero is in the Valparaiso region and It has different turistic parts. For example, you can go to Ritoque and know the dunes. Ritoque is a seaside resort where many famous people have houses.

If you have money you can travel in a motorboat or ride a horse. But, if you can´t spend a lot of money by only eight hundred pesos you can eat a delicious shellfish or cheese pie. I don´t leave Quintero without eat fish stock.

In Quintero, also the touristic can dive and visited the submerged Cristo. The religious sculpture is a 12 meters deep and It have almost five meters of high. Every year the people travel in motorboat for pray.

Quintero is a small town and the night isn`t agitated, this place have little discos o pub. The best option is enjoy with friends in the beach near of bonfire. For reason if you want to have fun and visit nice places see Quintero.

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Brazil the best country do mundo

Since I was a child I have dreamed about traveling to Brazil. I love this country, its tv programs are excellent in especial the soap operas. I would like work as scriptwriter in the famous brazilian channel as Reccord or Globo.

Brazil is a beautiful country and I would like the Nacional Park of Iguazu. In this place you can see the Cataratas of Iguazu. This reserve was declared world Heritage because It has many animals species and vegetation.

I think that I can live in Brazil perfectly because the people are very friendly. I haven’t problem with idiom. I have studied the Portuguese when I watch the episodes of my favorite soap opera “India” and I can learn more vocabulary.
I am saving money to travel to Olympic Games Río of Janerio 2016. My favorite discipline is the rhytmical gymnastics. Also, I would like to go Brazil Carvanal and I can see the people dancing or the samba school parading for the street.
In Brazil I could stay in the house of dad´s friend: Leonel. He always says that I can visit him home. Well, I just hope to have money and I can know to the best country do mundo: brazil.

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

Bad and good

The first semester was a bad experience. I felt tired with my career and I hated of courses. I never get up early and I arrived late to the class. But when I arrived my house all things was different, I forget the problems and I played with my babys Camilo and Valentín.(they are my dogs).

In my house my parents had a store and they worked all day, we can `t together many times. For reason, I was the most of time with my sister Valentina. We watched tv or I went to the Telepizza, also we took for a walk to the pets.

The better of last semester was the vacations; I visited to my grandmother in Valparaiso, I was the beautiful place 2 weeks and I had to rest. Every morning, I walked in the beach and the evening I watched tv in my bed.

martes, 6 de julio de 2010

Challenging, yet essential

Since my first English lesson, it was quite difficult for me to blog. I had never maintained a blog before, and I didn’t know how to post an entry or upload photos. Miss Rosa Zagal should have taught me how to maintain a blog. This was very funny because it took me an entire lesson until I fully understood; however, I ran out of time, and I could only type a few words. When I got used to the blog, I had another drawbacks that made this experience tedious.

While posting new entries, I didn’t know what to type. As I don t have a wide range of vocabulary, every time I wanted to type something, I had to look for online dictionaries to increase my vocabulary constantly, and this was quite boring too.

One of the many things I never liked about blogging was the subjects I had to talk about. I’m very shy and introverted person, and I had to talk about myself basically. This was embarrassing, because I had to share my personal life with my classmates: strangers that could read my blog whenever they want to. I think that is so shameful.

Sincerely, the entries I posted weren’t good at all. Along with my classmates, I started the English lesson at six p.m., after a long tiring study day; at that point, I am very exhausted. Every Thursday, I wake up at 5:45 a.m. to go to the university and fulfill my duties. So, when I sat in front of the computer to post a new entry, my mind was filled with tiredness, and I wished I could sleep. I didn’t want to type anything at all.

Besides, after a limited amount of time, we had to finish our assignment. I was always so tired, nervous, and it took me a lot of time to accomplish the assignment. Once I carried out it, I posted the demanded entry with the text I made.

Despite the aforementioned troubles to blog, at long last, I think this is a very effective way to increase the vocabulary and improve my English grammar. It’s a more dynamic and simple method than doing an English vocabulary test.

On the other hand, I discovered and acquired a new tool that may be very useful for me in my career as a journalist. Now, I can create my own blog, publish my own articles, or simply post an entry about any subject.

Finally, I would like to say that, If you don’t have a good command of a language like English, it is very hard to have correct writing. Nevertheless, the only way to learn is to practice and have the willpower. I hope I can write in English someday without having to look for translations, or English synonyms on Internet.

martes, 22 de junio de 2010

My future

I study journalism and now my main interest is ending this carrer soon. Really I dont know will happen in my future, I only expect will leave Santiago and live in Valparaiso. I hate Santiago, the life here is very stressful and people always is angry. In Valparaiso all is different, the people is friendly and they live in peace. Also, this place have got sea and air is cleaner. My family´s mother live in this region.

When I finsh my carrer I don´t want work all my life in journalism. I would like have got a store where I sell clothes or original articles. It is very funny, I love visit many places and I found wonderful things that people want buy.

Also, I would have a dog home and help to battered animals. For this reason I want earn money working as a journalist some years. Other possibility is marry with a millionaire man and, then, he finances my proyects, but this option is more complicated.

Sincerely, I would like marry and I have children. Almost all my family are girls, So, I would like have a boy. Always, I dream with my own my family and living in a house fill with animals and near the nature, for example a plot. A place where I would live in peace.

I only expect that in my future I could enjoy my life and my family. I would like stay with a person who understands and loves me with all my faults: my untidiness, my love by sleeping and my terrible culinary activity. I know, is very complicated, but I dont lose my hope..

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

The animal emotions

The last month,I went to "jungle spritit" a photographic work. I loved this exhibition because every photographs showed different animals in its habitat. This photograph was taken by chilean artist Jorge Camilo Valenzuela. During five years, he has traveled for many countries and he could investigate how animals live.

When I visited the exhibition I got overwhelmed the beauty of photographs that showed places, like África and Amazonas. My favority photograph show to a gorilla baby lie down in a tree next to other gorilla bigger.

This photograph is wonderfull because the gorilla baby is loving and his look reflex confort and innocence. The photograph showed a unknow world for us : the life in nature and the peace of who habitat in it. Also, the colors in imagen are beautiful and bright, its reflex the greatness of a natural environment where humanity hasn't intervened or contaminated.
I have always the animal photography because the animals are very expressive. They can' t speak, but with their looks say what they feel. I ussualy take photographs of my pets and I enjoy doing. I think that learn to know the animals is a great experience, we need many concentration, patience and the most importante that animals confidence in us.

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010

The delinquency

One day before the new year, my house was assaulted. The burglars entered when I and my family was slepping. There stolen my notebook, the cigars and the money of the familiar store. Also they took the sister ´s bicycle , but they left it in the street, near our house. We called to the police, but nothing happened because the burglar didn´ t capture and our things never appared.

Since then, always I think that this can happen again. The people who is a victim of the delicuencia feel very insecure, for this reason the government must take firmer measurements. For example, increase the years of sentece the bluglars and qualify better the police. Also, the government must help to the kid that live in social risk because in the infancy begin the delinquency. Other measurement necesary is control the drug trafficking, criminal focus.

The death penalty is not a royal solution to diminish the indexes of delinquency because the origin of the criminals relates to the environment, to his familiar bows, to the level of education and the values that each one has received. In general the person who turns in delicuente had an unhappy and lacking infancy. The only form for finish whit
delinquency is the education and take care the children in social risk.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

The wonderful televisión

I can´t live without my television. Every day I sit couch and I watch movies or series like Dr house. When I don't stay in house my sister records my favorite Tv programs, in special the last episode of my brazilian soap opera.

The television is my sleeping pill. If it is off I don´t sleep, for example every monday at the night I watch the program: "Fiebre de baile". Sometimes, I watch tv until 2 am and my parents get angry. Also, they sold me when I quarrel wiht my sister by the television, like punish my father cut off the electricity in our house or he bent the plug of television.

When I was kid I watched tv with my mom in the living room. Now, I have a television my bedroom. This is fantastic because I can watch all I want without someone bothers to me. My parents gave the television to me like Christmas present. The problem is that I am very very untid and always I lose the remote cotrol, without the television doesn´t work.

The Tv I relax me because I laught and enjoy. I can watch the movie or the information programs. The negative aspect is that the programs of public tv are bad, for reason I want have cable tv. It is difficult because my father doesn´t like the idea. He says: "when you have a work, you can pay for cable tv". Meanwhile, I watch cable tv when my cousins or I buy pirate movies for entertain.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

She is the best friends

I was a introverted and shy person because I have litlle friends. Since litlle girls I had a problem for related wiht friends . In spite of this, when I was seven years I met to Natalia my best friends. She was a problems to walk because she had to Teleton, a institution for disabled person. We were classmate in the Sister Clara College. I didn' t remain how we began to speak. Only remain that we played in the break.

Since 1st grade we was inseparable. I went to Natalia's home or she visited to me. We enjoy together and We watched tv all day. Sometimes Natalia invite to me to Gooyear, company when her father worked. In this place had a cool swimming pool and I could swam and ate free.

In 8th grade basico I changed of school and we continue visited us. We met in our brithdays. In the actuality we are twenty years. I study journalism and she's doing a secretarial course. We have little time because we met about year ago. Only we communited for telephone or chat.

Natalia have improve her form of walk. She don`t go to teleton. I am very happy for her progress and I would visit soon. With she I can speak about all things like my problems or family.

jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

"Chascon" of TV

Fernando Villegas is a Chilean sociologist and writer. He is famous by publish critic comment about politic. I love all his work.

He was born in 1949 in Santiago of Chile. He had worked in different occupations since teacher of fast reading until seller. In 1990 he begins to work in jobs connected with his career. He work like panelist in Domicilio Conocido, a TV program about politic. Since this period he concentrated to his passion: the politic critic, for reason in 1999 he participated like panelist in other TV program: Tolerancia Cero. Actuality, he criticizes to Chilean society in Terapia Chilensis, program of Duna Radio.

Many people think that Villegas is bitter and hate his comment because he describes the negative aspect of our country. I believe the opposite. I love his ironic style of speak . Always he laugh of politicians and when he publishes articles in the newspaper La Tercera he draws caricatures of them.

Fernando Villegas is a cult person. He many knows of history all his comment have foundation. This aspect is observe in the more 11 books that he had written. His physical aspect is opposed to his intellectual image. He always wears one's hair down and unkempt. It very funny. He is the “Chascon” of television.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Quintero, the perfect place

My favorite vacation place is Quintero. This town is located in 5th region and It is a beautiful place to relax. There are many tourist attractions: beaches, forests or craft fair. That's the best place to find cheap things

I visit this place since I was kid because my grandmother lived there. Every summer, I stay in her home with my cousins. In this place I can rest and eat free because me grandmother gives me everything what I need.

The vacations in Quintero are fantastic and very funny. I play and build sandcastles with my cousins. I love them, they are triplet and always plays pranks. Also I adore to be Quintero because the people is unassuming and friendly. They never are angry or embittered.

If you want to gain money and to have vacations you must come to Quintero. You can sell in the secondhand-fair the things that you don't want. Last year, I worked selling old clothes with my aunts and I could gain some money. I worked in the morning and I went to the beach in the afternoon.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

When the earth shouted wake up!

The night of the earthquake was terrifying. I was sleeping in the second floor of my house. Suddenly all things beging move. I fast run to the door of my bedroom waiting that this end. My father was the first people that helped me, because I was very frightened .

During earthquake he always take my hand. The mean time my sister Valentina and my mother Rosa hugged us. Due to the scared, we forgot to Camilo our pet that sleeping in the living room. When all end, we down the fisrt floor and looked for candles. Wiht my family checked that things of house was good. Our animals was to salved. Immediately we turned on radio and discovered that a big earthquake happened. We tried call to cousins because they live near the sea and a tsumani could produced. Luckiest the sea don t come to their house.

Since that day I slept wiht a flashlight and the door opened. I never forgot what happened that night and every tremblor remainds me of the earthquake.

viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

My Boring Life

My life is a litlle boring. I m student of journalism( I dont like it). The most time I travel by bus to university because I live almost two hours from there.

I always wake up at 5 am every morning. I hate it!!. I think all day in slepping and watching TV. I love programs like DR house or brazilian soap operas. Also I like play with my babies: Camilo and Valentín. They are my dogs and are three years old. They fight with my cat called Cucha, but she defends from their attacks.

The life in my house is very stresing because the pets disturb and my parents have a store open all day, while I and my sister Valentina are studying for school and university. We haven t got many for enjoy between us every week, but... we love us.